*Update: I’m running for Fullerton School Board!

I’m a Deputy Director at Orange County’s Social Services Agency (SSA) and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force Reserves.

But more importantly, I’m starting a family in the same neighborhood where I learned how to speak English, annoyed all of my teachers, and made lifelong friends.

If you rewind the tape:


Counsel for the United States Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

If you’re in D.C. and want to do good work doing good, you work for Chairman Jon Tester and his Veterans’ Affairs Committee. There, I served as lead counsel for the PACT Act—one of the largest expansions of veteran health care and benefits in history.


One of two Air National Guard selections for 2020 Air Force Fellowships.

In 2020, I joined a class of Air Force Fellows assigned to Capitol Hill. By the time I left the office of Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, I had worked on a variety of issues, from PFAS to impeachment.


First intelligence officer in the California Air Guard to graduate from Weapons School.

Weapons School is like TOPGUN, but for the Air Force and with fewer beach sports. After graduating as an expert integrator of airpower and intelligence, I deployed to Iraq to support anti-ISIS operations. Then, when my wife got a job in D.C., I followed her.


Berkeley Law School.

To go to law school, I transferred from the active Air Force to a California Air National Guard Combat Search And Rescue unit. I practiced law for a bit, but after a second deployment to Africa, I realized that I missed the mission too much—so I rejoined the military full-time.


Two deployments to Afghanistan and one to the Horn of Africa.

In 2007, I commissioned as an active-duty Air Force intelligence officer after graduating from UC Irvine. By the time I left for law school, I had deployed with Combat Search And Rescue units three times, so “That Others May Live.”